Monday, June 21, 2010

The love of a child...

There is no greater feeling in the world than having your child run to you with his/her arms reaching out to give you the biggest hug and kiss. These are the moments I will always cherish. When I correct my daughter for doing bad things and she swells up with tears, I admit the first thing I want to do is run over and give her a hug and just console her, but you and I both know that wont stop her from doing the thing I just corrected her for, so I have to walk away, no matter how hard it is. When she throws her food on the floor and intentionally pours out her juice all over her high chair I want to just scream at the top of my lungs, especially when I just got done cleaning the floor and her. But instead, I walk away. When she continuously gets into things she shouldnt I want to spank her. But instead I look at that little smile and my heart just melts. Now dont get me wrong, when she does something that really makes me mad she gets disceplined, but most of the time she gets mommy's open arms and hugs. I cant imagine life without my little girl. It just wouldnt be complete. I love the kisses, the hugs, the tears, the messes, the tiring nights and of course the love from my daughter. Sitting back and thinking about her little tiny body in that incubator when she was born makes me smile, because she is getting bigger and bigger each and everyday. I want that little baby in my arms again. I want to wrap her up in a blanket and rock her to sleep, but unfortuneately them days are almost gone. Little miss independant wants her space and sooner or later she wont want me calling her my little stinker or spit fire, it'll be just Joslyn (Which is a beautiful name) but its not my little nicknames that I call her;( Always, Always and Always cherish everyday with your little one, cause before your eyes they will be all grown up. Motherhood makes the best out of life;)

Wednesday, June 9, 2010


Ok, so I am considering getting a perm. I am so scared to get this done that I need some other oppinions on it. My hair is currently half way down my back and is an auburn color, so I'm not worried about the length of it, just the outcome of the actual perm itself. Since I have had Joslyn I dont think to highly of myself anymore. I dont see the pretty, some what slim girl I once was. Instead I see this unattractive woman that seems like she cant stop gaining weight and never has anything nice to wear and who's hair looks awful no matter which way she fixes it. I just want to look as good as I feel, which is most of the time great! So I am trying to spice some things up. Such as my hair. Next will be my wardrobe, of course that is after I lose this weight that I like to call "the baby weight" that should absolutely not even exist anymore. I just need a little bit of a push from my close friends and family members. So...Feel free to give me any advice on this subject. I promise not to take any advice that is given to heart or against any of you. PLEASE...HELP...LOL!!!

Baby Talk...

So my husband and I decided the other night that we would like to have at least one more child. We are aiming for a boy. That is if the good Lord wants us to have one. It been on my mind for months now. Ya see, I had our daughter on Jauary 23, 2009. About 8 months after having her I instantly wanted to have another one. When I told my mom this she freaked out. She tried so hard to convince me not to try right now and to enjoy the time with Joslyn (our daughter) which I do everyday of my life. But like I told her and so many others; I just want my children to be close in age. That way Joslyn would have someone to talk to and to play with that is close to her age and also that would mean that I would be able to go back to work with no delays, because when they both go to school its my time to go work. However, I know it would be very challenging for both myself and Jon financially and mentally... Children can be very overwhelming and stressful at times, but I just have a calm sense of relief about having another child. I dont know if its God telling me to put all of my faith and trust into him or if its just a comforting feeling that I have, but I feel like right now would be the most perfect time to start trying. Of course it may take a little while but I cant wait to add one more to the family. And if we were to have another girl, she would have everything she needs and more that would be passed down from her big sister;) I'm not sure when or if this is in my future, for only God knows that, but I will wait patiently and endure every moment in my life and not take anything for granted.